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After your permanent cosmetic procedure, slight redness and irritation of the area should be expected. Keep the area clean, free of dirt and oil. Do not pick or rub the area. Avoid sun, pools, direct water pressure and other bodies of water until healed. Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap before tending to the area. Do not wear makeup for 72 hours around or on the brow area. Please be sure to sleep on your back for a week and avoid working out for 5 days post procedure.

Microblading / Nanoblading


Day 1 Nothing.... enjoy Your brows.!


Day 2-9 Wash with Neutrogena gentle soap and cold water, pat dry and apply After Ink Two times a day.  AM & PM 

Please note the approximate days for the healing process:

Days 1-3 Brows will appear very dark. 


Days 4-8 Brows will flake and disappear. Don't Panic! This is how the skin heals. During this Time, You can lightly fill in any patchy areas with a powder and a brush, just no pencil.


Days 9-30 Brows are still healing and will slowly start to reappear. 


Weeks 6-8 It's time for your free *Follow-Up/Touchup.


Please call 702-331-3754 to schedule your Follow-up Appointment.


* Please note that your free follow-Up is good for 90 days after the procedure. Any follow up after 90 days will be considered a Touchup appointment which is $150.


After your permanent cosmetic procedure, slight redness, swelling and irritation of the area should be expected. You can apply a CLEAN ice pack or a bag of ice over the area in 10 minutes intervals. Keep the area clean, free from dirt and oil. Do not pick or rub the area. Avoid sun, direct water pressure and other bodies of water until healed. Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap before tending to the area. Do not wear any makeup for 72 hours on eye area. Please sleep on your back for 2 days. 

However, they are exposed to the possibility of a secondary infection like conjunctivitis. If ointment is a problem, please do not use and rinse with buffered eyewash and seek medical attention for an antibiotic steroid eye drop. Sunglasses add wonderful protection from the sun. 

Day 1-4: Wash with Neutragena facial bar and cold water, pat dry and apply a small amount of ointment with a clean Q-Tip. (DO NOT RUB.) Two times a day. AM & PM. Reapply ointment 2-3 times throughout the day.

Please note the approximate days for the healing process:

Days 1-3: eyeliner will appear very dark and they will oxidize before they soften during healing. This is normal!

Days 3-6: The area will flake and lightly peel. After the area peels, the liner will appear light or faded. Don't panic! This is due to excess pigment peeling off and leaving behind a layer of new granular cells over the pigment. The color will reappear in about 2-3 weeks as it heals.

Weeks 6-8: weeks it's time for your free *Follow-Up. Please call 702-331-3754 to schedule your Follow-up Appointment. 

* Please note that your free follow-Up is good for 90 days after the procedure. Any follow up after 90 days will be considered a Touchup appointment which is $199.



After your permanent cosmetic procedure, slight redness, swelling and irritation of the area should be expected. You can apply a CLEAN ice pack or a bag of ice over the area in 10 minutes intervals. Keep the area clean, free from dirt and oil. Do not pick or rub the area. Avoid sun, direct water pressure and other bodies of water until healed. Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap before tending to the area. Do not wear any makeup for 72 hours on lip area. Please sleep on your back for 4 days.  Do not eat spicy foods and be sure to drink through a straw for the first week.

Days 1-4: Wash with Neutrogena facial bar and cold water, pat dry and apply a small amount of After Inked with a clean Q-tip (Do Not Rub)  two times a day AM & PM.  Reaaply the After Inked 2-3 times throughout the day.  Do not allow the lips to become dry.

Please note the approximate days for the healing process:

Days 1-3:  Lips will appear very dark and they will oxidize before they soften in healing.  This is normal!  

Days 3-6:  The area will flake and lightly peel.  After the area peel, the lips will appear light or faded.   Don't Panic!  This is due to excess pigment peeling off and leaving behind a layer of new granular cells one the pigment.  The color will reappear in about 2-3 weeks as it heals.

Weeks 6-8:  It's time for your followup if your service included one.

Please note that after lips are no longer tender to the touch, they may become flaky. This is normal and expected. Please do not pick or scratch at them. This may significantly reduce the amount of pigment uptake. Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness, are all common post treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time.


Be sure to use a sunblock once lips are healed and you can resume wearing lipstick also once lips are healed. It is advised to use a new lipstick after all lip treatments. 

Lips are a muscle and will need 1 to 3 sessions to complete the process of this procedure. Lips can be very unpredictable. Some clients will yield very strong healed lip color. Others will only heal with slight color uptake. This will vary on an individual basis. Clients with sun damage, scar tissue, (from injury or fever blisters) and clients with implants may not have strong results. Hyper pigmentation can happen on any lip client without warning.


Lips heal in 3 stages! TOO Dark-TOO Light-Just Right.

This takes 6 weeks to happen. 

A free lip *follow-up procedure must be scheduled 6-8 weeks from the initial session to help with color retention. Please call 702-331-3754 to schedule your Follow-up Appointment.


* Please note that your free follow-Up is good for 90 days after the procedure. Any follow up after 90 days will be considered a Touchup appointment which is $199 

Permanent cosmetic Make up Post-Procedure Information

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